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Floor labels
We produce floor labels for marking location addresses, storage areas or for Lean management, 5S or Six Sigma systems.
The labels are made with a special laminate that protects the print. Additionally, they are available in any size, shape (including irregular), and colour. We do not impose a minimum production run - we can produce even one floor label of the given design.
All barcodes or 2D and QR codes are verified with a professional code verifier according to the ANSI/ISO international standard.
Why choose our solution?
As a manufacturer of WMS-class warehouse systems, we have over 20 years of experience in the design and implementation of logistics systems, and therefore we have the tools and knowledge to produce floor and location labels that can work with any WMS.
Are floor labels durable?
Yes, they are durable and can withstand daily use and foot and vehicle traffic. However, it is important to remember that any self-adhesive label applied to the floor can be destroyed relatively easily. Forklift wheel marks are the most damaging to floor labels. Even the most resistant metal label will be useless when soiled. This is why floor labels are recommended for warehouse labelling where foot traffic is dominant.
The competition offers laminated floor labels with a thickness of 200, 300, 400 or 500 microns. Are such labels more resistant?
No. The thickness of the laminate does not indicate the durability of the floor label. This is an oft-repeated myth by contractors who have no experience of working in warehouses. If this were the case, we could use a metal plate that is 1 or 2 mm thick. In fact, the thicker the label, the more susceptible it is to damage. It is common practice in warehouse work to move pallets over the ground. Therefore, the thicker the label is, the greater the shear forces acting on it. In practice, such thick labels are destroyed after just a few days.
I need to temporarily label location addresses; the floor labels will be removed in the near future. Is there such a solution?
Yes, we have materials to suit different types of flooring and times of use. In addition to very strong adhesives, we can use removable, non-staining adhesives that help to peel the label off easily.
Is there a permanent and damage-resistant way of marking the storage areas?
Yes. The only indestructible, damage-proof, ageing-proof, and problem-free way to mark shelves is with overhead signs.